
Health refers to the overall state of an individual’s physical, mental, and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. It encompasses various aspects including the body’s functionality, psychological resilience, and the ability to engage in social activities. Health is influenced by a wide range of factors, including genetics, lifestyle choices (such as diet, exercise, and habits), environmental conditions, and access to medical care.

In a broader context, community health involves the health outcomes of a group of individuals, emphasizing the interconnections between people and their environments. The concept of health is also considered multidimensional, recognizing the importance of emotional, mental, and social health in conjunction with physical health.

Several frameworks exist to enhance health, such as the World Health Organization’s emphasis on health promotion, disease prevention, and the importance of social determinants of health. The pursuit of health aims for a balanced life that incorporates not just physical well-being but also happiness, a sense of purpose, and effective coping mechanisms in facing life’s challenges.